This weekend I finally tried to screen print on my own. Instead of doing it with emulsion and that stuff (you know, the right way) I chose to go the cheaper, more 'Antonia needs gas money for next week' way I found on the internet:
I started with a simple design and got to it.
Turns out the bird was WAAY too complicated for my first time ever, but the whale came out pretty cute! These are just some other pictures of the whole process.
Next time I'll take pictures of the ENTIRE proccess and I'll actually try it with the emulsion and the right stuff, but I think overall it was a success. I figured out things that I shouldn't do for next time and that Mogdge Podge is also just elmer's glue and water. Good day overall- AND I had time to make meatballs!
oh man... i screen printed once, and it seemed sooo hard and took so much longer than i thought! it's a really cool skill to have though. that whale is hella cute! x