favorite artists

Favorite artist posts

Mary Blair

Oh man- If you haven't seen this artist splattered all over old school Disney.... then I'm not really sure if you are aware that we have landed on the moon. If I'm wrong about that, don't worry- I'll tell you about Mary Blair! She's pretty awesome and super old (old as in she used to illustrate in the 1940s) and supposedly she was Walt Disney's favorite illustrator. That's a pretty big deal- she also helped design my FAVORITE RIDE It's a Small World (you should know, I'm not a theme park rides person... I pass out- no lie, it's happened). She was a really pretty lady too :o) Everyone likes a pretty lady that can draw well- fact. Also, google dedicated a fun logo for her birthday (October 21) in 2012 and she would have been 100! Like I said- awesome, old and pretty to boot!

Jim Flora
Jim Flora is one of the artists I found on my travels through the internets who inspired alot of the artists I already love (like Yaniger & Biskup). Jim Flora is SUPER old school (he was born in 1914! That's before ball point pens and microwaves people!) but all his stuff was SO animated and fun! He mostly made stuff for RCA Victor and Columbia Records (like album covers and what not), but he also did some children's books and other things. After looking at his stuff I wonder what he would be doing today if he were still alive. hmmm. Probably making more awesome art I presume.... and turning almost 100. Wow that's old. He has a blog too (which is strange considering, like I mentioned, he's dead) it's pretty neat- you should probably check him out.

 Derek Yaniger
Derek Yaniger is hands down, my favorite artist... like ever. SO GREAT! I love pretty much all his stuff and he's done alot of cool work for Marvel Comics and Cartoon Network- I'm sure if you glance at some stuff on his website something will look familiar, he's awesome. He's got a book that I always go too if I'm feeling an art block coming on and sells a BUNCH of prints at his online store- so with that being said let me make you things so I can buy them myself.... indeed.

Tim Biskup...
Aaah Tim Biskup. He makes ALOT of cool stuff and is kind of like one of my other favorite artists (which I will hold off on ranting about for now). You should look at all of his stuff- it's really great.

Jim Datz
This gem was made by Jim Datz. He's done ALOT of illustration stuff for Urban outfitters and other places and I LOVE THEM ALL. no seriously though, these are awesome. He's definitely worth checking out and wishing you could draw half as well as him.... that's just what I'm doing anyway.

Graham Roumieu

Graham Roumieu is an illustrator that I really like just because I swear he could probably just sit down for about 20 minutes and make something I would practically tattoo on myself. Cheers Mr. Roumieu (Roo-mee-oo?) you're one of my favorites!

Harry Ekman

Helllllloooooo Ladies :o) If you are a WWII vet or any other person out there I'm SURE you've seen something from Harry Ekman. He was the one that drew all those pictures of the hott ladies wearing nearly nothing and looking amazing!!!